
welcome to my life. i will sing to you. i will cry to you. i will write to you.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

turn turn turn

i didnt do too much this weekend. well, we did have some friends over friday, which was probably the biggest event at this house in several months. we dont have friends over. ever. sometimes we have family over, but thats not such a big deal. family is family. we really dont have friends, so having friends OVER is problematic.
it was a big deal, im tellin ya. i went all out and made my favorite lasagna --which took several hours since the only part of it i didnt make myself was the noodle part.
i want a pasta machine thingy, should any of you want to purchase one for me. its one of those things that would be so cool to have, but i would never buy for myself. i may only use it once, but that one time would be so cool.
since i didnt have to make pasta, i made a cake. when i say i made a cake, you should really sit up and take notice. this cake was a little more involved than most cakes, and it made me nervous. there are only a few things that make me nervous in the kitchen, and tempering eggs is at the top of the list. i had to temper eggs to make the frosting for this cake. the frosting also had 6 sticks of butter in it, if you wanted to know. anyway, it was successfully delicious and satisfying.
we had a delightful time with our friends, arranged a marriage for our children, solved the problems of the world, did a little wii bowling, and went on with our separate lives. we adore these folks and are thinking of starting a commune.
maybe thats why we dont have friends. i get a little carried away. its like a lonely puppy who just wants somebody to love him.

we have spent lots of time together as a family this weekend. we have cooked all of our meals at home (which hardly ever happens on the weekend, because i like to take weekends off). we went to church, yes, that means i had to wear real clothes and make up and sorta fix my hair. with mixed emotions, i tell you that we watched almost non stop football. i got mad every time sam bradford was hit hard by those stupid cardinals who wanted to make sure he knew this was the NFL. jerks.
just a little bit ago, bub took the kids to the library. i have decided not to do anything but sit in my very patriotic pajama pants with my snowflake socks and hoodie. tis the season. i need a pumpkin spice latte.

1 comment:

  1. We need to have you over to our house again...maybe no arranged marriages BUT fun will be had!!
