
welcome to my life. i will sing to you. i will cry to you. i will write to you.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

you cant always get what you want

i wouldnt consider myself less than content, but bub would disagree. there are two (current) reasons for this. they are these: the entry hall and the master bedroom / bathroom.
well the problem here is easy to identify. i dont know what i want, so clearly, i cant have what i want. when we began the remodeling project in this cozy abode, we started guns blazing. every room got a fresh coat of paint, wall paper was removed - and in some places re-hung, floors were removed and re-installed, cabinets were removed, painted, and replaced -- all in a matter of 3 or 4 weeks.
in that sort of whirl wind, you can imagine that a few things went awry. the wallpaper was removed in the entry hall, and i fully intended to replace it with a fabulous red paper. i dont remember what happened, but something went wrong, maybe i hung it crooked or something, i dont know, but its gone now. i painted it gray. then i painted it yellow (bubs choice. clearly.) now its blue, you know, the color of blue on a blistex tube. i hate it. it will change soon. then there is the floor: we are in the (6 month, to date) process of chiseling out the floor and will replace it with new flooring. some day. when i am old and gray. ((sigh))
the bathroom has a similar story - remove wallpaper, hang wallpaper, remove wallpaper, texture, paint, paint again, paint the cabinets, paint them again, and again. i fully intend to paint again, as i am less than satisfied with the current state of the bathroom.
the bedroom just hasnt had anything changed other than the original coat of paint, which i love. still. - it just needs finishing touches, like pictures, curtains-- that sort of thing. i havent put any up because i didnt know what i wanted.
yesterday we went to the home and garden show. bub may have been dropped on his head as a baby, i dont know, but he WANTED to go. we only made it through 3 of the 5 buildings, but i learned so many things and gained so many ideas--- oh he may rue the day he set foot in the travel and transportation building at the oklahoma state fair grounds. OR he might hail it as a holiday marking the day i finally decided what i wanted in my house and put a stop to the endless list of projects.
im leaning toward the former.
sorry, baby.

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