
welcome to my life. i will sing to you. i will cry to you. i will write to you.

Friday, October 8, 2010

save you

if you didnt know already, october is breast cancer awareness month. its also time for fall, halloween, pumpkin spice lattes, hoodies, football and comfort foods.
im 31. i have never had an october mean anything to me but cooler temperatures, pumpkins and mums. i was a little confused last year when i found out that the new halloween colors were green and purple, but that is neither here nor there. unless 'there' is stupid-town. who decided purple and green were fall-ish, or halloween-ish? wierd. whatever.
like i said, im 31. i have not been to see a doctor (other than my father-in-law who i see weekly) in almost 5 years. i dont like to go. i dont like to be examined in any way, shape or form.
a few weeks ago, bub told me that he scheduled a mammogram for me. there was a mobile mammogram thing-a-ma-jig that was coming to his work and would do free mammograms for employees and their spouses. gee. thanks, bub.
it was quick and painless (and very discreet, surprisingly) and i was on my way. the nice lady told me that she would mail my results in 2 weeks, blah blah blah. im 31 i dont care. i came because my husband told me to. thanks for the pink pen that says "the best protection is early detection," i'll take two. thanks. what?? theyre pretty. and i gave one to my friend. shes welcome.
10 days later the breast care center called, and said they saw something that they wanted to get a closer look at. well isnt that delightful. another - more extensive (and squishing) mammogram and an ultrasound. the thing i appreciated about todays visit, was that i got the results today, too. --well, that and that the staff was very friendly and kind. thats a plus for a girl who doesnt like people... or doctors offices.
the result was this: benign; fibroadenoma that should be re-checked in 6 months. my favorite part was 'benign'. i like that word. more than people, more than doctors, i hate I HATE cancer. anyway, they gave me a rose on the way out, i went to pick the kids up from school, i ate lunch at panera, and took a nap. a very normal friday afternoon after a not-so-normal friday morning.
~so, really, thanks, bub.

even if youre 31, at least do self-exams http://www.cancer.org/Cancer/BreastCancer/DetailedGuide/breast-cancer-detection . maybe even schedule a mammogram, even if youre 31

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for todays blog Becky. We got word yesterday that my 29 year old cousin has stage 4 breast cancer and it is also in her lymphnodes :(. If she comes to mind keep her and her little family in your prayers. Her ame is Star her husband Jerry and their children Alizay and Thomas.
    The best protection IS early detection!
