
welcome to my life. i will sing to you. i will cry to you. i will write to you.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

already gone

what is it with 5 year-olds and teeth? maybe its just my 5 year-old and her teeth. maybe im alone here.
a few adjective that will set the scene for you. they describe my darling daughter.

there has been a wiggly tooth in her mouth for a few weeks now. it really needed to come out, because the new tooth was coming in behind it instead of under it, so shes been working on it daily. (this would be a good time to tell you that i do not pull teeth. i dont want to see them wiggle. i dont want to feel how loose they are getting. i want no part of it.)
wednesday marked the end of the battle of girl vs. tooth. actually, it became bub vs. tooth, which really was the deciding factor. anytime you want to win, especially against a tooth, you want bub on your team. truth be told, the tooth was probably not ready to come out. it took some work. i heard her let out an open-mouthed "auauuahh!" a few times and they had to take several breaks. the solution to all the yelling was that sissy had to hold my hand. that meant that i was close by when the tooth came out with a pop. nasty nasty nasty. anyway, there was blood. blood pretty well freaks her out.
eventually she calmed down and went to sleep.
here was the next problem: shes been coughing so much at night that she doesnt really sleep very well. she started out in her bed. moved to the recliner, woke up coughing, threw up, i held her on the couch, she went back to sleep, i went back to bed. she woke up coughing, slept in her sleeping bag on my floor holding my hand, bub went to work, she got in bed with me. do you see the problem? where does the tooth fairy go? i dont even know where it ended up. bub was in charge of that. it all worked out.
when sissy got up, she celebrated her increased wealth and holey mouth by pictures and/or phone calls to grandparents. the most notable was the call to my dad. he asked what she was going to do with her money, she said she would buy everyone presents, even the cat. she informed papa that she had "pinky-promised jingle that there would be a collar and kitty toys". as the conversation continued, sissy informed her papa that there was a "pond of blood in her mouth".
i probably should have included "descriptive" in the list above.

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