
welcome to my life. i will sing to you. i will cry to you. i will write to you.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

bad day

first off, let me send a great big THANK YOU to daniel powder for naming a song 'bad day.' it sure helps me keep my theme going.

this could also be called several not-so-nice things, or 'confessions of a terrible parent' but i guess no one wanted to write songs with those names.

8:15am: i wake sissy up. normally she gets up between 6:30 and 7:00, but she has not been sleeping well due to her persistant cough, so i let her sleep in. upon waking, she began to complain about going to school, because she would rather stay in bed. this is not typical for her, she loves school - today she loved the bed more. i told her 'i know you would rather stay in bed, but get up anyway. get dressed. go. now.' ~and she got up.

still 8:15ish: i ask baby boy to put his coat on and run to mimi's to get my purse. (she lives two houses away. we ate with her last night and i left my purse.) he did as i asked with not a bit of resistance. he might be perfect.
i dry my hair. it takes about 5 minutes.

8:25am: i turn off the hair dryer in time to hear the back door close. expecting to see my son, i am shocked at the sight of my darling daughter -- wrapped in mimi's jacket, barefoot. she did not go get dressed, she went outside in the 30 degree weather. she ran around the neighborhood! (or two houses away--same thing if you ask me) naked! (or in a sleeveless night gown-- same thing if you ask me) barefoot! truly. well, i'll tell you, but i hate to, i lost it. there were screams and tears and spanking. i mean, she needed it, but seriously. i was so mad at that child, i was shaking. she could have frozen to death. or been kidnapped. or her cough could get worse. or my grandmother could have had the confirmation she needed to go ahead and decide i was grossly incapable of parenting. all these things were true, and we still needed to get to the school by 8:45. i dressed her. forcefully. i brushed her hair. with exceptional vigor.

8:40am: we leave the house, the two of us girls both crying - my son in compliant silence (possibly paralyzed by fear) i continue to drive my point home as we journey to the school house.

8:45am: (yes, our house is that close to the school) arrive at school, kiss her, hug her, love her- send her on her way.

8:50am: arrive at my (still silent) son's school -kiss him, hug him, love him send him on his way.

8:52: text bub telling him that things had gone terribly wrong and i had totally lost my temper with his darling daughter. he makes sure she is not hurt and goes on about his business.

9:20am: i arrive at work and discuss the morning's events with my friend who assures me that my children will not hate me, they will be normal, and she will not be calling dhs. i begin to calm down and actually start working... at work... thats what youre supposed to do.

11:00am: i realize i am supposed to be picking up my children at school. i forgot. fortunately, there was a man in the 'pick-up-your-kids line' who had drifted off to sleep in the sunny cabin of his truck and blocked all traffic. because of him, no one knew i was late. so, in addition to thanking daniel powder, i would like to thank the sleepy man who blocked traffic therefore avoiding additional injuries to my daughter's psyche.

11:25am: sissy gets in the car all happy and bouncy telling me about her day and teaching me new songs. there is no mention of the events of the morning. i remember to give her the garage door opener so that bub can get in the house later (else this story would have been even longer)

11:45am: i am now calm enough to eat a quarter pounder with cheese (hold the onions), fries and a coke as i drive back to work.

the end.

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