
welcome to my life. i will sing to you. i will cry to you. i will write to you.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

i hope you dance

last night, sissy sang at school. the kindergarten class performed 2 songs which were about 30 seconds a piece. she was very proud. i was very proud. i forgot my video camera, so i cant show you the video, but it was lovely. when she was finished singing, we all made snowmen out of marshmallows and icing. this is a delightful activity... when it works right. our snowmen kept falling over. little brother was getting so frustrated, he started to wail. wailing while building is not at all acceptable and i let him know that i did not approve. i said "really, son?" and he stopped. in mid-wail. we were all glad. since the snowmen kept falling over, i let the kids eat them instead of build them and we went on our merry way.
i THINK today is big trash day, so when we got home from the school the kids and i hauled about 1200 boxes from the garage to the curb. i am not smart enough to turn the light in the garage on, so i left my car in the driveway with the headlights on so we could see the boxes and any other trap lying in the darkness.
sometimes my quirks have their advantages. when sissy got bored with carrying boxes, she decided to dance. she had worn a big blue tutu for her concert and she wanted it to spin. as i was carrying one last load, i saw her dancing and twirling in the light of the headlights with darkness everywhere else. it was as if she was glowing, sparkling; like she was in a dream. it was so divine that i didnt want her to stop. ever.
i took a few pictures with my phone (i was afraid that if i came inside to get my camera, she would follow me and the moment would be lost). they arent the greatest pictures, but they capture exactly who my girl is. she dances as if no one is watching. --even when there is a full house. she sings like nobody's listening. --even when shes in the spotlight.
she is wonderful. she is beautiful. she is brave. she carries my heart in her heart.

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