
welcome to my life. i will sing to you. i will cry to you. i will write to you.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

say what you need to say

it may cause rioting in the streets, but if you dont already know, i will tell you now. i only work 4 days a week, which means i ALWAYS get a 3 day weekend. please maintain control of your jealousy.
it really is a fantastic thing, because fridays are my days to spend with my kids. they have school in the mornings, but for the most part its just me and my two bundles of joy.
sissy will turn 6 in two days, which is a topic i choose not to address at the current moment, but may speak to in a later post. she likes to use words and terms that make her sound older. shes a little sassy. if you know me, you are surprised and falling out of your seats now.
baby boy talks a lot, but he maintains a 4 year old vocabulary (and cuteness). he does have a bad attitude when hes tired, but other than that he might be perfect.
sis has one of those barbie doll heads on a pedestal. you know, the hairstyling kind. she loves to fix that hair and shes really good at it. so yesterday, she was making it all fancy - when she got all finished this is what happened:
she said 'girl, she looks nice so she can go to the cluuuuub.'
me: 'um, what?'
she: 'shes goin to the cluuuub'
me: 'whats a cluuuub?'
she: 'you know, that club mimi goes to, like that'
me: 'oh, the garden club!?
she: 'yeh. the garden club. shes fancy for that.'

and off she went. to the cluuuub.

1 comment:

  1. I miss her sassiness! I miss y'all! They are getting so grown up!
