
welcome to my life. i will sing to you. i will cry to you. i will write to you.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

reason to believe

...and other such songs infiltrate my thoughts at 2 a.m. when nothing even remotely resembling sleep will come. what a time to choose to ponder the significant things of life. and to pay some bills. both very productive.
i have a respectable arsenal of song lyrics and movie lines floating around this drowsy little head of mine, and sometimes they get in the way of coherent thought. for example, earlier this evening when bub asked me to pray for him. (i knew that it wasnt an off the cuff gonna-have-a-hard-day-so-say-a-little-prayer request. hes been pretty sick and he wanted me to pray for him before he went to sleep in hopes of feeling better when morning came).
so i started my prayer: "Lord, i come before you tonight (a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her...*ahem*) and then i regained my focus, finished my prayer-to my utter relief, without quoting any other song or movie- and he drifted off to dream land.
i often begin prayers in the shower. its one of the only places on earth that im alone, so i choose the quiet of the moment to pray. even then, sometimes the best intended prayer begins something like this: "God on high, hear my prayer... in my need, you have always been there... and i finish the song from here before i regain composure to finish my prayer, and often, by this point, there are children knocking on the door telling me that "he did this" or "she did that." and all hope for reverence is lost.
i did pray for my darling husband tonight, honestly, openly - voiced my fears and my pleas. it wasnt all that articulate, as i was fighting the rush of lyrics and the like, but it was honest. isnt that the only way to pray?

1 comment:

  1. I thought that I was the only person this happened to! I pray in the shower too and my children know better than to interrupt me while showering...I ignore them unless I hear the words blood or death!
